The development of key national policies with respect to rainwater management in Ethiopia: A review. NBDC Technical Report 2.


The Nile Coordination and Multi-stakeholders Platform (Project 5) of the CPWF aims to review the key national policy changes with respect to Rain Water Management System in Ethiopia. In the broader perspective of natural resources management and use, several relevant policies have been adopted and being implemented. It may, however, be difficult to say that this or that policy changes occurred since policies have been adopted and under implementation over the last two decades as of early 1990s. Hence, this review considers relevant national policies and strategies that address rainwater management system in particular and land and natural resources in general. The objective of the review is to assess the policy environment in terms of the existence or absence of supportive policy and institutions and enabling environment for the promotion of rainwater management. The broader objective is also improving livelihood through landscape approach to water management.


NBDC Technical Report 2. Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) Nile coordination andmulti-stakeholders platform (Project 5). Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, ILRI, ISBN: 92–9146–268–3, 33 pp.

The development of key national policies with respect to rainwater management in Ethiopia: A review. NBDC Technical Report 2.

Published 1 January 2011