The CCAFS Flagship Program 4 Trial on Results-Based Management: Progress Report


Along with several other CRPs, CCAFs has been piloting a new way of doing business in 2014, revolving around the use of results-based management (RBM). Six projects were selected via a competitive call in 2013 for regional activities under Flagship Program 4, Policies and institutions for climate resilient food systems. The RBM process itself involves a shift away from a logframe approach to an impact pathway approach based on theories of change, in which pathways are defined from research and its outputs such as policy makers, development organisations, and farmers.

This document summarises what was achieved during 2014 by the CCAFS RBM trial. This is followed by a discussion of the prerequisites for a CRP to implement 'successful RBM', through an assessment of which aspects worked according to expectations and what was done when things did not occur as expected. The report concludes with a summary of overall lessons learned.


Thornton, P.; Schuetz, T.; Förch, W.; Campbell, B. The CCAFS Flagship Program 4 Trial on Results-Based Management: Progress Report. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Copenhagen, Denmark (2014) 12 pp.

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Published 1 January 2014