Technical Note 21. Young Lives Qualitative Research: Round 1 – India.


Qualitative research is a major feature of the Young Lives project during Phase 3 funding (2006-9), drawing on a range of qualitative and participatory methods to understand the diverse aspirations and experiences of children from different geographical, socio-economic and cultural locations. This report is an analysis of the data collected in Andhra Pradesh during October and November 2007 covering children, caregivers, teachers, health workers and community representatives from the four Young Lives sites selected as a sub-sample from the original 20 included in the quantitative study.


Vennam, U.; Anuradha Komanduri. Technical Note 21. Young Lives Qualitative Research: Round 1 – India. (2009) 45 pp.

Technical Note 21. Young Lives Qualitative Research: Round 1 – India.

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Published 1 January 2009