Teacher Effectiveness in Africa: Longitudinal and Causal Estimates

This project will evaluate an innovative, tested and scalable educational paradigm, the Mango Tree Literacy Laboratory Project


Despite on-going efforts, African children are not acquiring literacy skills at a satisfactory level, limiting their lifetime academic success and the progress of their nations. This project will evaluate the effectiveness and mode of delivery of an innovative, tested and scalable educational paradigm, the Mango Tree (MT) Literacy Laboratory Project (LLP), which aims to solve the problem.

This work is part of the International Growth Centre’s ‘Literacy Laboratory’ Project


Julie Buhl-Wiggers Jason T. Kerwin, Jeffrey A. Smith, Rebecca Thornton (2018) Teacher Effectiveness in Africa: Longitudinal and Causal Estimates. IGC. Reference S-89238-UGA-1

Teacher Effectiveness in Africa: Longitudinal and Causal Estimates

Published 1 November 2018