Tanzania Market Snapshot: Horticulture Value Chains and Potential for Solar Water Pump Technology

This report reveals new market intelligence on irrigation technology and insights for manufacturers and distributors


To characterise the market for solar water pumps, Efficiency for Access collected and analysed data from over 67 stakeholder interviews, 81 focus group discussions and 407 individual farmer surveys. This report reveals new market intelligence on irrigation technology and provides valuable insight for manufacturers, distributors, and other actors.

This work was supported by the UK Department for International Development as part of the ‘Support the Development of the Low Energy Inclusive Appliances (LEIA)’ programme.


CLASP. (2019). Tanzania Market Snapshot: Horticulture Value Chains and Potential for Solar Water Pump Technology

Tanzania Market Snapshot: Horticulture Value Chains and Potential for Solar Water Pump Technology

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Published 25 March 2019