Survey of the Kathmandu Bhairahawa Corridor: June 2013

Results of the border crossing time of the trucks as they cross Nepal-India border in Bhairahawa and arrive at Nagdhunga


This report provides key results from the survey of the border crossing time of the trucks as they cross Nepal-India border in Bhairahawa and arrive at Nagdhunga (Kathmandu). The survey took place from June 19 in Belahiya (in Bhairahawa, Nepal)-Sunauli (in India) and was conducted for seven working days.

We found that the presence of border (both at Indian side and Nepal side) delays the transportation time by 4 hours 32 minutes (240 minutes). This includes the total of times spent processing all paper works in Indian custom and Nepalese custom yard. If one assumes that the clearing time for vehicles arriving from Indian custom offices are independent of clearing time in custom yard in Nepal, then the standard deviation for the border crossing time is 124.16 minutes (2 hours, 4 minutes). The trucks on average take 44 hours 4 minutes to come from the Bhairahawa custom to Naghdunga in Kathmandu (with standard deviation being 40 hours 20 minutes).

One striking fact from our study is the relationship of the total time spent by trucks inside custom yard and the time spent doing actual custom related work. If we sum the average time for initial verification, inspection, bank payment and transloading, it turns out to be about 235.5 minutes. The actual number can be even less than 235 minutes, as transloading for many trucks can be and are done concurrently with other operations. However, average time spent inside the yard for all the trucks is 240 minutes.When compared to Birgunj, where almost 75% of the total time were spent doing nothing, Bhairahawa’s custom seems to be working quite efficiently.

This report has been produced for Evidence on Demand with the assistance of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) contracted through the Climate, Environment, Infrastructure and Livelihoods Professional Evidence and Applied Knowledge Services (CEIL PEAKS) programme, jointly managed by DAI (which incorporates HTSPE Limited) and IMC Worldwide Limited.


Anon. Survey of the Kathmandu Bhairahawa Corridor: June 2013. Evidence on Demand, UK (2013) ii + 24 pp. [DOI: 10.12774/eod_cr.june2013]

Survey of the Kathmandu Bhairahawa Corridor: June 2013

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Published 1 January 2013