Supplemental Dietary Inulin Influences Expression of Iron and Inflammation Related Genes in Young Pigs


We have previously shown improved hemoglobin (Hb) repletion efficiency by supplementing a 50:50 mixture of short (P95) and long-chain (HP) inulin (Synergy 1, BENEO-Orafti) into a corn-soybean meal-basal diet (BD) for young pigs. In this study, weanling pigs (5 or 6 wk old) were fed the BD or the BD + 4% of P95, HP, or Synergy 1 (50:50 mixtures of HP and P95) for 5–7 wk. Blood Hb concentrations of pigs were measured weekly and digesta samples were collected at the end of the trial. In a replicate experiment, total RNA was isolated from the liver and mucosa of duodenum, ileum, cecum, and colon of all pigs at the end of the trial. Relative mRNA expression of 27 genes, including iron and inflammation-related genes, was quantified using real-time quantitative-PCR. Although all 3 types of inulin resulted in similar improvements (P


Journal of Nutrition (2009) 139 (11) 2018-2023 [doi: 10.3945/jn.109.110528]

Supplemental Dietary Inulin Influences Expression of Iron and Inflammation Related Genes in Young Pigs

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Published 1 January 2009