Summary report of the village level workshops on adaptive learning and community fisheries in SavannakhetandKhammouane Provinces (May/June 2000).


This report provides a summary of four workshops (in four districts) that were held to bring together communities who were either already stocking communal waterbodies to produce village income, or had a strong wish to do so and allow them to share experiences and to learn more about the MRAG/RDC adaptive learning project. In total, participants from 31 villages attended the workshops. This report outlines: workshop objectives; workshop preparation, training, and materials used; the major outputs; and evaluation of workshops by participants. Individual results from the separate workshops are presented in the appendices.


MRAG Ltd; RDC. Summary report of the village level workshops on adaptive learning and community fisheries in SavannakhetandKhammouane Provinces (May/June 2000). (2000) 42 pp.

Summary report of the village level workshops on adaptive learning and community fisheries in SavannakhetandKhammouane Provinces (May/June 2000).

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Published 1 January 2000