Summary report of the district level training workshop on monitoring of the adaptive learning and community fisheries project (June 2000).


This report provides a summary of the monitoring design & training workshop held at RDC, Savannakhet. This workshop followed on from the village level workshops that were held in May and June 2000 in which villages agreed to participate in the project and discussed experiences and monitoring ideas. In total, participants from 12 districts in which the project would be active attended the workshop. This report outlines: workshop objectives; workshop preparation, training, and materials used; and the major outputs.


RDC; MRAG Ltd. Summary report of the district level training workshop on monitoring of the adaptive learning and community fisheries project (June 2000). (2000) 31 pp.

Summary report of the district level training workshop on monitoring of the adaptive learning and community fisheries project (June 2000).

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Published 1 January 2000