Summary Report. An analysis of equity issues in public spending on MNCH in Pakistan


The study ‘An analysis of equity issues in public spending on MNCH in Pakistan’ attempted to answer the following key questions, particularly in the context of Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) in Pakistan: How much does the government spend on health? On what services and health interventions does it spend its money? Is public spending equitable? Who benefits from these services? This short summary report covers the background to the study, methodology and data, key empirical findings, and policy implications.


Malik, S.M.; Janjua, Y. Summary Report. An analysis of equity issues in public spending on MNCH in Pakistan. Maternal and Newborn Health Programme Research and Advocacy Fund (RAF), Pakistan (2013) 8 pp.

Summary Report. An analysis of equity issues in public spending on MNCH in Pakistan

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Published 1 January 2013