Summary of CLP Output Targets & Expected Gender Access


The CLP specifically targets women to be the \"point of contact\" between the CLP and the household. This means that it is an adult woman from the household who is the recipient of the asset transfer, stipend etc, and who participates in the training and social development groups. This strategy aims to increase and strengthen the position of women within the household, empowering them by enabling them to contribute more significantly to household income and decision making. This brief summarises output targets for key CLP outputs, as well as providing an indication of how many female (women and girls) and male (men and boys) household members will benefit from each intervention.


Arshad Hossain; Blackie, R. Summary of CLP Output Targets & Expected Gender Access. (2011) 2 pp.

Summary of CLP Output Targets & Expected Gender Access

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Published 1 January 2011