STRIVE Learning Lab 16 - Photovoice: Using participatory photography in research


Increasingly used in health and development around the world, Photovoice is a participatory research methodology. It was created as a photography-based tool for 'participatory needs assessment' and supports community members to use images to communicate their priorities to decision makers.

In this month's Learning Lab, Cathy Vaughan introduces the methodology of Photovoice through the example of a youth-focused project in Papua New Guinea which examined young Papua New Guineans' perspectives on health and HIV.

Evidence indicates that participating in a Photovoice process can have a positive impact on participants' psychosocial resources. In fact, some feel that it should be viewed as a health intervention in and of itself. Vaughan's case study illustrates the benefits and challenges associated with Photovoice in a context where entrenched power relations increase young people's vulnerability to poor health.


Vaughan, C. STRIVE Learning Lab 16 - Photovoice: Using participatory photography in research. (2013) 31 pp. [55 min 11 sec]

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Published 1 January 2013