Streamlining Poverty-Environment Linkages in the European Community's Development Assistance


This project seeks to provide to the European Commission and its partner developing countries recommendations to address poverty-environmental weaknesses in current Country Strategy Papers (CSPs) and to improve environmental streamlining in EC development strategies through its six focus areas.

The research evaluates the effects of development strategies on local poverty-environment dynamics through: reviewing 2 CSPs (Tanzania and Rwanda) on anticipated environmental impacts of EC thematic aid sectors in various countries; conducting multi-level evaluations in Tanzania and Rwanda to determine structural impediments and strategic intervention areas to address poverty-environment weaknesses; and identifying institutional and policy opportunities to strengthen environmental integration in future CSP design. The background and objectives, research findings, and policy recommendations of the project are presented.


Streamlining Poverty-Environment Linkages in the European Community’s Development Assistance, Emerging Markets Group (EMG) Ltd, London, UK, 2 pp.

Streamlining Poverty-Environment Linkages in the European Community’s Development Assistance

Published 1 January 2005