Strategy for Evaluating Evidence-Informed Policy Making Training Courses in Ghana and Zimbabwe

Capacity building activities to equip policy makers with the relevant skills to access, evaluate and use research evidence


Capacity building activities to equip policy makers with the relevant skills to access, evaluate and use research evidence are being conducted in Zimbabwe and Ghana. In Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe Evidence Informed Policy Network (ZeipNET) and INASP work with the Ministry for Industry and Commerce, the Ministry of Youth and the Parliament of Zimbabwe to improve the use of research evidence in response to departmental priorities. Additionally, a mentoring programme for Zimbabwean policy-makers is part of the plan. In Ghana, the Ghana Information Network for Knowledge Sharing (GINKS) and INASP work with the Civil Service Training Centre (CSTC). To ensure sustainability, an evidence-informed policy making (EIPM) course will be embedded into CSTC’s training curricula. The course will also be adapted and run in different departments of the Parliament of Ghana. This strategy seeks to define the scope and approach of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of VakaYiko EIPM training courses in Ghana and Zimbabwe.


Liebnitzky, J. Strategy for Evaluating Evidence-Informed Policy Making Training Courses in Ghana and Zimbabwe. INASP, Oxford, UK (2015) 5 pp.

Strategy for Evaluating Evidence-Informed Policy Making Training Courses in Ghana and Zimbabwe

Published 1 January 2015