Strategic Research into National and Local Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management. Inception Report


This report details progress made during the four month inception period of the project.

It is structured as follows:

1. Introduction – this section sets out the background to the research, the overarching research objectives and key research questions, an overview of the research team and a summary of the activities and deliverables completed during the Inception Phase.

2. Delivering the Research Objectives – this section provides narrative and explanation of the underlying Theory of Change and the revised logframe.

3. Theoretical Background – this section outlines the conceptual background to the research. It gives an overview of the scope of the research, the process for conducting the literature review and outlines the analytical framework, including a discussion of typologies and the development of a preliminary conceptual framework of change for CB in DRM.

4. Research Design – this section describes the research design and data collection plans, covering the overall approach, the research framework, methods and procedures of data collection, both within the main case study research and in the complementary international-level analysis.

5. Monitoring and Evaluation Draft Framework – this section provides contextual background to M&E for DRM and presents the draft framework with illustrative indicators.

6. Implementing the Research – this section provides the detailed workplan and budget for the Implementation Phase, along with information on the proposed case study countries and the approach to security.

7. Research Uptake Strategy – this section focuses on the research will be communicated and presents a coherent strategy for ensuring research uptake.

8. Project Management and Governance – this section outlines the governance arrangements and reporting protocols for the project, sets out the ethics strategy, updates on team changes and presents a revised risk matrix for the project.


Few, R.; Scott, Z.; Tarazona, M. Strategic Research into National and Local Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management. Inception Report. Oxford Policy Management Limited, Oxford, UK (2014) 89 pp.

Strategic Research into National and Local Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management. Inception Report

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Published 1 January 2014