Strategic Research into National and Local Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management (DRM). Pakistan Fieldwork Report

The aim of this research is to draw lessons on ‘how to’ build Disaster Risk Management (DRM) capacity in a range of contexts


The aim of this research is to draw lessons and guidance on ‘how to’ build Disaster Risk Management (DRM) capacity in a range of contexts, by analysing the characteristics, effectiveness and relative importance of a range of capacity building for DRM interventions across a variety of country contexts.

The objectives are to research the following overarching issues of concern:

  1. How is capacity for DRM generated most effectively at both national and local levels?
  2. What factors enable or constrain the building of national and local capacity for DRM?
  3. How and why does this vary across different environments?
  4. How is the international community currently approaching the task of building national and local capacities for DRM?
  5. How can we identify and measure improving capacity for DRM?

The core research is based on a country case study approach. A pilot study was conducted in March / April 2014 in Ethiopia. The second case study was conducted in Pakistan in June 2014 using the refined standardised methodological framework for data collection and analysis. This report sets out the approach taken and the findings of the Pakistan case study. Five further case studies will take place which will enable comparative analysis across countries and interventions. Each case study looks in-depth at 1-3 programmes that involve capacity building for disaster risk management.

In Pakistan, the following 2 programmes were studied:

  • UNDP’s One UN DRM project
  • Community World Service Asia’s (CWSA) Capacity Building Programme


Abbasi, Z.F.; Few, R.; Maqsood Jan; Usman Qazi; Scott, Z.; Wooster, K. Strategic Research into National and Local Capacity Building for DRM. Pakistan Fieldwork Report. Oxford Policy Management Limited, Oxford, UK (2014) vii + 48 +20 pp.

Strategic Research into National and Local Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management (DRM). Pakistan Fieldwork Report

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Published 1 January 2014