Strategic Management of Clinical Services


To achieve maximum health gain, many resources must come together at the same time: human, physical, and intellectual. The challenge of combining these inputs is becoming increasingly complex with the development of new diagnostics and treatments. Examples of poor quality care in countries of all levels of development reflect not only scarce resources, but inadequate management of the resources that are available. Moreover, ideological differences can complicate relations between different levels of the health care system, between the public and private sectors, and between vertical and horizontal programs.


In: Alleyne, G.; Breman, J.; Claeson, M.; Evans, D.; Jamison, D.; Jha, P.; Measham, A.; Mills, A.; Musgrove. P. (eds), Disease control priorities in developing countries, second edition, World Bank and OUP, chp 73, pp 1339-1352, ISBN: 0-8213-6179-1, 2006.

Strategic Management of Clinical Services

Published 1 January 2006