State transformation, health sector reform and HIV/AIDS policy implementation in post-apartheid South Africa: The tensions of public sector decentralisation


This paper derives from a recent research project on governmental coordination and HIV/AIDS service delivery. One of the issues raised in this project is a concern about the rather centralised and ‘top-down’ nature of current HIV/AIDS programme implementation. The main purpose of this chapter is to relate these centralisation tendencies in HIV/AIDS service delivery to a broader debate about balancing centralisation and decentralisation within government restructuring and health sector reform.


Blaauw, D. State transformation, health sector reform and HIV/AIDS policy implementation in post-apartheid South Africa: The tensions of public sector decentralisation. In: Afflictions. L’Afrique du sud, de l’apartheid au sida. Karthala, Paris, France (2004) 111-138. ISBN 2845865694, 978-2845865693

State transformation, health sector reform and HIV/AIDS policy implementation in post-apartheid South Africa: The tensions of public sector decentralisation

Published 1 January 2004