Stakeholder analysis and local identification of indicators of the success and sustainability of farming based livelihood systems. Working Paper 5.


The overall goal of the project is to assist in the development of more effective, equitable and sustainable participatory management of renewable natural resources in sub-Saharan Africa. The purpose of the research is to identify the links between the sustainability of different farming systems and agricultural policy in South Africa and Uganda.

One of the aims of this project is to develop a set of indicators of the sustainability of farming-based livelihood systems that can be used to assess or monitor the impact of policy and institutional change on these systems. The research will produce two set of indicators. The first is the \"external\" set of sustainability indicators identified by the research teams based on the literature and country studies (reported in Working Paper No 2). This paper describes a methodology for identifying a second set comprising local indicators of success. From these local and external sets of indicators it will be necessary to select a smaller, combined set of indicators will then be measured and monitored. Criteria for the selection of these indicators are discussed in the overall research framework (Working Paper No. 2).


Stakeholder analysis and local identification of indicators of the success and sustainability of farming based livelihood systems. Working Paper 5, ISBN: 1 902518870, 25 pp.

Stakeholder analysis and local identification of indicators of the success and sustainability of farming based livelihood systems. Working Paper 5.

Published 1 January 2000