Spatial planning in the programming of urban investments: <i>The experience of Indonesia's Integrated Urban Infrastructure Development Programme</i>


Indonesia's countrywide Integrated Urban Infrastructure Development Programme (IUIDP) included a unique attempt to use spatial plans to guide infrastructure expenditure selection and scheduling. Methods for creating spatial plans relatively quickly and easily were used to overcome the inadequacies of traditional plan preparation processes. However, some of the more important lessons to be learned from this experience concern the apparent failure to use spatial planning after possible projects have been identified, and particularly the tendency of decision makers to programme only those projects that are required to overcome current deficiencies.

The full text of this paper is available to subscribers at the International Development Planning Review website (See Download link).


M. Mattingly, H. Winarso. Spatial planning in the programming of urban investments: iThe experience of Indonesia’s Integrated Urban Infrastructure Development Programmei. International Development Planning Review (2002) 24 (2) 109-125. [DOI: 10.3828/idpr.24.2.1]

Spatial planning in the programming of urban investments: <i>The experience of Indonesia’s Integrated Urban Infrastructure Development Programme</i>

Published 1 January 2002