South Africa Country Study Mapping Phase Report


This Mapping Phase Report deals with the first stage of the Sustainable Livelihoods in Southern Africa (SLSA) South Africa country study. Research was conducted in the Eastern Cape Province over a three month period, mid-January to mid-April 2001. This report outlines the main policies and institutional arrangements associated with rural development and local government in the Eastern Cape, and summarises the findings of a livelihoods analysis conducted in the village of Mdudwa. It also addresses the key research questions of the SLSA study, viz. the strategies that the rural poor use to gain access to land, water and wild resources, and how the livelihood concerns of the poor get represented in the policy process. Field notes from the social mapping conducted in Mdudwa village are included as an Appendix.


Ntshona, Z.; Lahiff, E. South Africa Country Study Mapping Phase Report. (2001) 53 pp.

South Africa Country Study Mapping Phase Report

Published 1 January 2001