Sources of AIDS awareness among women in India


Sources of AIDS awareness among rural and urban Indian women were analysed using data from the National Family and Health Survey (1998–2000). Two measures were developed to study the impact each source had on knowledge. ‘Effectiveness’ was defined as the proportion of women who had heard of AIDS from only one source, from among women who had heard of AIDS from that particular source and other sources. ‘Independent effect’ was the proportion who had heard of AIDS from only one source in relation to all women who had heard of AIDS. Television was the most effective medium, and also had the highest independent effect. Radio and print had very low effectiveness and independent effect. Although television and print audiences are growing in India, it is likely a sub-group of women will continue to lack media access. There is an urgent need to disseminate AIDS awareness to this ‘media underclass’. Since the media will not reach this group, other sources including health workers, community level activities such as adult education programmes, and networks of friends and relatives need to be explored.


Pallikadavath, S.; Sreedharan, C.; Stones, R.W. Sources of AIDS awareness among women in India. AIDS Care (2006) 18 (1) 44-48. [DOI: 10.1080/09540120500100569]

Sources of AIDS awareness among women in India

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Published 1 January 2006