Solutions for Swachh Bharat : Report on the India WASH Summit


Improving water-hygiene-sanitation in India remains central to improving the standards of living in both rural and urban areas, especially among the poor. This impelled the Government of India to launch the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) to address the crisis of sanitation in its widest sense: ensuring overall cleanliness, hygienic behaviour, availability of water and toilets as well as their regular use.

This mission constitutes a huge challenge of resources, hygiene, sustainability and technology, for example how to make 112 million toilets by 2019 at an estimated cost of about INR 1,960 billion. Such formidable tasks will require the participation and engagement of a wide range of players from different spheres. The India WASH Summit was therefore held in February 2015 and brought together a plethora of organisations and experts working on WASH to debate, deliberate and arrive at a concrete set of recommendations and commitments, which are summarised in this briefing.


Water Aid India. Solutions for Swachh Bharat : Report on the India WASH Summit. Water Aid India, New Delhi, India (2015) 72 pp.

Solutions for Swachh Bharat : Report on the India WASH Summit

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Published 1 January 2015