Soil salinity, household wealth and food insecurity in tropical deltas: evidence from south-west coast of Bangladesh

This study focuses on the coastal regions of the Ganges Brahmaputra delta in Bangladesh


This study focuses on the coastal regions of the Ganges Brahmaputra delta in Bangladesh, and uses data from the 2010 Household Income and Expenditure Survey and the Soil Resource Development Institute to investigate the effect of soil salinity and wealth on household food security.

This research was supported by the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) programme


Szabo, S., Hossain, M.Sarwar, Adger, N., Matthews, Z., Ahmed, S., Lázár, A.N., Ahmad, S., Soil salinity, household wealth and food insecurity in tropical deltas: evidence from south-west coast of Bangladesh, Sustainability Science, pp.1-11, 2015

Soil salinity, household wealth and food insecurity in tropical deltas: evidence from south-west coast of Bangladesh

Published 1 April 2015