Social Science Research in India: A Mapping Report.


This report presents the results of the mapping of social science research in India with a special focus on the following areas:

  • The institutional landscape including key institutions or groups undertaking research in the social sciences in India
  • The current research agendas of these research groups or institutions
  • The main sources and distribution of funds for research focussed in the social sciences
  • Challenges of social science research in India and specific areas in which there might be particular strengths

The report is based on different forms of evidence. These include:

  • a desk review of existing reports and commentaries on social science research in India
  • review of publication records and websites of key organizations engaged in social science research
  • key informant interviews conducted by the SARH with select social science researchers and government officials to gather information on research resources and funding


Anon. Social Science Research in India: A Mapping Report. DFID, South Asia Research Hub, New Delhi, India (2011) 21 pp.

Social Science Research in India: A Mapping Report.

Published 1 January 2011