Social Assistance in Developing Countries Database (Version 5.0)


This database aims to:

  • provide a summary of the evidence available on the effectiveness of social assistance interventions in developing countries
  • focus on programmes seeking to combine the reduction and mitigation of poverty, with strengthening and facilitating household investments capable of preventing poverty and securing development in the longer term
  • select programmes for inclusion in the database on the basis of the availability of information on design features, evaluation, size, scope, or significance
  • and provide summary information on each programme in a way that can be easily referenced by DFID staff and others with only a basic level of technical expertise.

    Version 5 updates information on existing programmes and incorporates information on the following programmes:

  • Conditional cash transfers pilots in Kenya, Zambia, and Malawi
  • Integrated poverty reduction programmes in Panama, and the Dominican Republic
  • Conditional cash transfer programmes in Paraguay
  • CHARS in Bangladesh combining climate change adaptation, asset protection and accumulation, and transfers
  • Basic Income Grant Pilot in Namibia which, although not strictly a social assistance programme, will be of interest to users of the Database


Barrientos, A.; Niño-Zarazúa, M.; Maitrot, M. Social Assistance in Developing Countries Database (Version 5.0). (2010) 137 pp.

Social Assistance in Developing Countries Database (Version 5.0)

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Published 1 January 2010