Social Accountability in Cambodia


The main focus of this paper is The Asia Foundation (TAF) Theory of Change (ToC) relating to their programme for the promotion of social accountability in Cambodia and in particular its application through the Non-State Actor Component (NSAC) of the Demand For Good Governance (DFGG) project that TAF implemented during the period 2009-2013 with the support of the World Bank.

The researchers reviewed the inherent reasoning, assumptions and logic within the ToC underlying the social accountability programme, in order to analyse how the ToC was applied and how it worked in practice. The research also aimed to contribute to the debate on the role of theory of change as a tool in development interventions.

The paper begins by examining social accountability in the context of Cambodia and then focuses on two specific components of the TAF programme - the quality of education services, and natural resource management in fishing communities. The authors conclude with suggestions for improvements to future ToCs and for further research


Babovic, M.; Vukovic, D. Social Accountability in Cambodia. Justice and Security Research Programme, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London, UK (2014) 56 pp. [JSRP Paper 19. Theories in Practice Series]

Social Accountability in Cambodia

Published 1 January 2014