Smallholder Farming and Crop Variety Choice: Wheat Variety Choice in Pakistan


This report is a summary of the 2012 HarvestPlus varietal adoption background study titled “Farmers’ Choice of Wheat Varieties in Punjab, Pakistan,” by Hina Nazli, Dorene Asare-Marfo, Melinda Smale, Sohail Jehangir Malik, and Ekin Birol. Portions of this report are direct extractions from the original paper, which is available from HarvestPlus upon request.


Nazli, H.; Asare-Marfo, D.; Smale, M.; Malik, S.J.; Birol, E. Smallholder Farming and Crop Variety Choice: Wheat Variety Choice in Pakistan. (2014) 13 pp. [HarvestPlus Research for Action No. 2]

Smallholder Farming and Crop Variety Choice: Wheat Variety Choice in Pakistan

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Published 1 January 2014