Small-scale farmer utilisation of diatomaceous earths during storage. Project Final Report.


Research trials were conducted in three regions of Tanzania (Shinyanga, Dodoma, Manyara) and in three districts of Zimbabwe (Buhera, Binga and Harare), to test and compare the efficacy of a number of different grain protectants (including African DEs) at protecting grain from insect damage during storage under different agro-ecological zones. These comparative tests were run for two consecutive 10-month storage seasons during 2002-2004, and a third season is underway. The treated commodities include maize, sorghum, beans and cowpeas.


Riwa, W.; Mvumi, B.; Morris, M.; Stathers, T. Small-scale farmer utilisation of diatomaceous earths during storage. Project Final Report. (2005) 60 pp.

Small-scale farmer utilisation of diatomaceous earths during storage. Project Final Report.

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Published 1 January 2005