Sistemas de apareamiento de Bombacopsis quinata en bosque, huerto semillero y cerca viva. [Mating systems of Bombacopsis quinata in forests, seed orchards and live fences]


The first part of this article outlines the methods for determining the mating system in operation (genetic markers, DNA analysis). The rest of the article presents results from studies by different authors in natural forests (the Lomas Barbudal biological reserve in Costa Rica) and fragmented forest (in Honduras), and in live fences (in Costa Rica) and a seed orchard (in Honduras).


Sandiford, M.; Billingham, M.; Boshier, D. Sistemas de apareamiento de Bombacopsis quinata en bosque, huerto semillero y cerca viva. [Mating systems of Bombacopsis quinata in forests, seed orchards and live fences]. Tropical Forestry Papers- Oxford Forestry Institute Department of Plant Science (2003) No. 39, 39-47.

Sistemas de apareamiento de Bombacopsis quinata en bosque, huerto semillero y cerca viva. [Mating systems of Bombacopsis quinata in forests, seed orchards and live fences]

Published 1 January 2003