Sikhs in contemporary times: religious identities and discourses of development


Dominant narrative of the scholarship in Sikh studies has been historical and theological, focused mostly around questions of interpretations of the Sikh scriptural authority and the Sikh past. The rise of the Khalistan movement during the 1980s also generated a good amount of research on the political sociology of the Sikh ethnicity. But the changing nature of social and economic life of the Sikhs, their internal dynamics and divisions, their experience of development over the last five or six decades, or the effects of globalization and migration on the social well-being of the community have mostly remained marginal concerns with the scholars of Sikhism. Drawing mostly from the available primary and secondary sources, in this paper, I try to deal with some aspect of the Sikh social and economic life in India, focusing specifically on the internal differences and dynamics of the Sikh population in different parts of the country.


Sikh Formations (2009) 5 (1) 1-22 [DOI: 10.1080/17448720902935029]

Sikhs in contemporary times: religious identities and discourses of development

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Published 1 January 2009