Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems Research. Case study: Pakistan

This case study and briefing note focus on lessons from cash-based responses to disasters in Pakistan


This is one 6 case studies that form the core of the research team’s analysis of the features of a social protection system that facilitate its use in response to shocks, and of the ways in which social protection, humanitarian assistance and disaster risk management systems can best work together for a more effective response.

This is the full case study report for Pakistan. It focuses on lessons from cash-based responses to disasters and on the potential for leveraging some of the core operational mechanisms of the country’s national social assistance programme, the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) to contribute to shock-responsive social protection

There is also a short briefing note summarising this case study for Pakistan

These are outputs from the Shock Responsive Social Protection Systems Research Project. Other case studies have been published: Mozambique, Sahel, Lesotho and Mali


  • Watson, C., Lone, T., Qazi, U., Smith, G. and Rashid, F. (2017) Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems Research. Case study: Pakistan. Oxford Policy Management, Oxford, UK

  • Watson, C., Lone, T. and Barca, V. (2017) Building on social protection systems for effective disaster response: the Pakistan experience. Policy brief, Oxford Policy Management, Oxford, UK

Published 1 August 2017