Seminar on Road Safety, Malaysia, Improving safety by road engineering: proposals for getting back on track.

Seminar on road safety: engineering contribution towards the national reduction target. Ministry of Works, Kuala Lumpur, 1995


Much more effort is necessary in trying to reduce the road accident casualty toll in Malaysia by as many different groups as possible (the integrated approach). This paper focuses its proposals on changes in the institutional setup which it is hoped will increase the contribution that is being made by road engineers. It also introduces a new interim accident investigation guide entitled \"The identifying, prioritising and treatment of hazardous locations in Malaysia\" to assist in the process of change.


BAGULEY, C J (1995). Improving safety by road engineering: proposals for getting back on track. In: Proceedings of Seminar on Road Safety: The Engineering Contribution Towards The National Reduction Target. Ministry of Works, Kuala Lumpur. January 1995. TRL

Seminar on Road Safety, Malaysia, Improving safety by road engineering: proposals for getting back on track.

Published 1 January 1995