Section 3.2 report – Suggested future amendments to policy. South African national carbon sinks assessment

This section report looks at how policy may be amended to support activities that lead to a net reduction in atmospheric greenhouse gases


The South African National Carbon Sinks Assessment is comprised of three principle sections. Section 1 of the Assessment focuses on the magnitude and nature of terrestrial carbon stocks across South Africa and how they may change in future due to the influence of changes in land-use, climate and atmospheric carbon dioxide. Section 2 assesses the size and nature of climate change mitigation opportunities. Lastly, Section 3 reviews the interaction between policy and terrestrial carbon in South Africa. Section 3.1 considered the potential influence of existing policy on carbon stocks, whereas this section report (3.2) looks at how policy may be amended to support activities that lead to a net reduction in atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs).

Two broad areas in which policy may need to be reviewed, were identified during the development of the two initial components and extensive stakeholder engagement:

  • The first focuses on creating an enabling environment for the eight principal land-use based climate change mitigation activities identified in the second section of the project.
  • The second aims at guiding current and future land-use decisions in a manner that reduces release of carbon into the atmosphere and maintains and increases the size of the national carbon pool over the long-term.

This report has been produced by National Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) by The Cirrus Group for Evidence on Demand for Evidence on Demand with the assistance of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) contracted through the Climate, Environment, Infrastructure and Livelihoods Professional Evidence and Applied Knowledge Services (CEIL PEAKS) programme, jointly managed by HTSPE Limited and IMC Worldwide Limited.


Boardman, P.; Knowles, T.; Boardman, P.; Dinan, A.; Knowles, T. Section 3.2 report – Suggested future amendments to policy. South African national carbon sinks assessment. Evidence on Demand, UK (2014) v + 65 pp. [DOI: 10.12774/eod_cr.march2014.boardmanpetal1]

Section 3.2 report – Suggested future amendments to policy. South African national carbon sinks assessment

Published 1 January 2014