SEACAP 3. Technical Paper No 2. SEACAP 3 Dissemination: Website Recommendations.


The SEACAP 3 project is tasked with reviewing and revising Low Volume Rural Road (LVRR) Standards and Specifications for Lao PDR. As part of this project a review of the possible mechanisms for disseminating the project's findings and reports widely within Laos and the surrounding region was undertaken. One of the mechanisms identified was a project website from which internet enabled users could access the available project documentation.

This document details the various website design, technology and hosting options for establishing a SEACAP website in Lao, including recommendations as to which options should be selected based on the capabilities and capacities of the local organizations. The purpose of the proposed website is first and foremost to disseminate SEACAP outputs and to assist in the guidance of the research outcomes into effective practice within a decentralising rural road management system.


19 pp.

SEACAP 3. Technical Paper No 2. SEACAP 3 Dissemination: Website Recommendations.

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Published 1 January 2007