SEACAP 2. Working Paper 1: Human Resources Development.


The starting point for this study is an analysis of the current situation with regards to HRD in the roads sector in Cambodia. This study is further based on a principle understanding of HRD functions that link the four main strategic elements:

  1. The foundation for any HRD initiative is the supply of basic education (primary and secondary) to the society and as such, is a determining factor for further capacity development inputs.

  2. On the demand side, employers determine the kind and degree of knowledge and skills that are required to be performed by their employees. For public infrastructure also the ultimate users and beneficiaries (the concerned communities) have to be included on the demand side, as they are directly and indirectly involved in infrastructure management and works.

  3. The supply side provides the required further, or tertiary, education that prepares people for the job market. However, this is normally not sufficient, as the practical requirements of the employers often differ and change over time. Additional proficiency (upgrading) training is usually required at all levels in all organisations as a fundamental input to make people fit for the job.

  4. Innovation and research are the essential inputs for developments to take place. These originate from international and national initiatives and need to feed into both the demand and supply sides. In the case of rural roads in Cambodia, several innovative projects have been undertaken which include adaptations from international appropriate technology solutions as well as new international and national research results.

  5. The HRD strategy also provides the linkage of the four elements by mainly ensuring coordination between the four sides, developing and facilitating enabling tools, and collating and disseminating information to the respective sides. Further strategic elements include performance monitoring and planning for new developments.


Intech Associates; TRL. SEACAP 2. Working Paper 1: Human Resources Development. (2005) 47 pp.

SEACAP 2. Working Paper 1: Human Resources Development.

Published 1 January 2005