Rural Transport Service Indicators: Work in progress paper


This paper reports the progress of Phase 1 of the project to develop indicators to 'measure' the adequacy of rural transport services for meeting the access needs of rural people. The AFCAP-funded project is implemented by an IFRTD team led by Paul Starkey and Peter Njenga. Phase 1 (Apr‐Sep 2012) aimed to develop and test a methodology to acquire the information required to develop indicators. In Phase 2 (Oct‐Mar), the methodology for data collection, analysis and reporting will be further developed and tested. Initial indicators will be identified in discussion key stakeholders.

This document introduces the context of rural transport services and the aims of the project. The paper discusses previous work relating to transport indicators and highlights some of the essential features of indicators. The paper then presents initial suggestions for the types of data that need to be collected to develop rural transport services indicators.


Starkey, P.; Njenga, P.; Odero, K.; Kemtsop, G.; Willilo, S.; Mbathi, M. Rural Transport Service Indicators: Work in progress paper. International Forum for Rural Transport and Development, (2012) 96 pp.

Rural Transport Service Indicators: Work in progress paper

Published 1 January 2012