Routemapping Culture and Development Highlights Summary. Is culture a hidden asset of development - implicit yet invisible?


Cultural approaches to development have been gaining ground in education, participation, development communications and social change. There is a groundswell of support for development projects to take into account cultural factors. The use of cultural activities in development is widespread - this research isolated 350 examples across five development agencies over two years, with a conservative cost base of £30 million. Yet this research found that cultural issues do not feature highly in development policy. Management and implementation of cultural projects is inconsistent, and there is scant evaluation and monitoring of their impact and benefit.


Gould, H. Routemapping Culture and Development Highlights Summary. Is culture a hidden asset of development - implicit yet invisible? (2005)

Routemapping Culture and Development Highlights Summary. Is culture a hidden asset of development - implicit yet invisible?

Published 1 January 2005