Risks for development cooperation in fragile and transitional states



Could you please: (i) highlight what new risk emerges for development programming as fragile/post-conflict states enter a transition phase? What suggestions are made for mitigating these risks?; and (ii) point us to recent and relevant writings on fiduciary mismanagement and managing corruption risk in Afghanistan.


As many countries and regions emerging from armed conflict or violent instability, Afghanistan is entering into a transition phase where the international military presence will be scaled back and more resources will be channelled through the country system and managed by the Afghan state. Considering the highly complex environment in which such countries find themselves, this process is associated with major corruption challenges as well as other risks for donors.


Martini, M. Risks for development cooperation in fragile and transitional states. U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, CMI, Bergen, Norway (2013) 11 pp. [U4 Expert Answer 362]

Risks for development cooperation in fragile and transitional states

Published 1 January 2013