Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes among Women Practicing Poor Sanitation in Rural India: A Population-Based Prospective Cohort Study

The authors examined Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes such as preterm birth and low birth weight


The importance of maternal sanitation behaviour during pregnancy for birth outcomes remains unclear. Poor sanitation practices can promote infection and induce stress during pregnancy and may contribute to adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs). The authors aimed to assess whether poor sanitation practices were associated with increased risk of APOs such as preterm birth and low birth weight in a population-based study in rural India.


Padhi, B.K.; Baker, K.K.; Dutta, A.; Cumming, O.; Freeman, M.C.; Satpathy, R.; Bhabani, B.S.; Panigrahi, P. Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes among Women Practicing Poor Sanitation in Rural India: A Population-Based Prospective Cohort Study. PLOS Medicine (2015) 12 (7) e1001851. [DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001851]

Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes among Women Practicing Poor Sanitation in Rural India: A Population-Based Prospective Cohort Study

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Published 1 January 2015