Review of technologies being evaluated for the Forest Agriculture Interface. Scientific report.


This review aims to provide an analysis and synthesis of technologies currently being evaluated in DFID projects in Forest/Agriculture Interface (FAI) production systems. Chapter 1 introduces the reader to the topic and provides the background context, the 'analysis' is undertaken in Chapters 2 to 6, whilst the 'synthesis' is undertaken in Chapter 7, and ideas on the way forward are presented in Chapter 8.

A number of projects in Brazil, Bolivia, Ghana and Nepal were reviewed, and the techniques being evaluated in these projects were analysed in terms of their biophysical and socio-economic characteristics in relation to the likelihood of their uptake. These techniques included alley-cropping, biomass transfer, cover crops, multi-purpose tree species, animal manure, Tithonia diversifolia, improved and enriched fallows, and legume intercrops.


Graves, A. Review of technologies being evaluated for the Forest Agriculture Interface. Scientific report. (2001) 229 pp.

Review of technologies being evaluated for the Forest Agriculture Interface. Scientific report.

Published 1 January 2001