Return Migration: Policy Options and Effects. Migration DRC training day, 13th January 2009, London, UK.


This training event was designed to give those working on migration who are involved with, or affected by, policies on return migration a chance to take a look at this type of migration from different perspectives and to learn about current academic approaches and thinking in this area. Each session of the event gave participants a chance to hear new findings from research, share experiences with colleagues from different ministries and organisations, and participate in roundtable activities designed to stimulate thinking on this issue. The event was led by Richard Black, director of the Migration DRC and each session was introduced by academics with experience of drawing out aspects of their work which directly address the questions facing policymakers.

The attached event report summarises the presentations and discussions at the meeting. The programme and participant list are also attached. A link is also provided to the relevant page on the DRC website to access powerpoint presentations from the event.


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Published 1 January 2009