Resumen del Foro Electrónico: Los Comités de Investigación Agrícola Local, CIAL: una alternativa para la adaptación y generación de tecnología apropiada a las condiciones del usuario final

Electronic forum: Local Agricultural Research Committees: alternative for adaptation and generation of technology for the final user


The Andean Change Alliance Program promotes and organise electronic forums as part of their outreach participatory methodologies for agricultural innovation in the Andean region. This document highlights the main findings of the third forum conducted by the Alliance to discuss and debate a participatory methodology. This forum aimed to generate a discussion that would enable various insights and opinions on the Local Agricultural Research Committees methodology, its limitations and advantages, based on the perception of different actors in the Andean region.


Roa, J.I. Resumen del Foro Electrónico: Los Comités de Investigación Agrícola Local, CIAL: una alternativa para la adaptación y generación de tecnología apropiada a las condiciones del usuario final [Summary of the electronic forum: Local Agricultural Research Committees: an alternative for adaptation and generation of technology appropriate to the conditions of the final user]. Alianza Cambio Andino, (2010) 10 pp. [In Spanish]

Resumen del Foro Electrónico: Los Comités de Investigación Agrícola Local, CIAL: una alternativa para la adaptación y generación de tecnología apropiada a las condiciones del usuario final

Published 1 January 2010