Resource allocation and priority-setting of HIV/AIDS interventions: addressing the generalised epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa


The endemic nature of HIV/AIDS in Africa has led to substantial activity to intensify action in SSA over the past two years. There has been both a reallocation of resources towards HIV/AIDS and wide scale efforts at mobilizing additional resources to scale up HIV/AIDS prevention and care interventions. Despite efforts to rapidly mobilize resources, priority-setting among the various interventions remains a central issue, with broad debates about how resources should be allocated, and particular concern about treatment and the availability of drugs. In this paper, we discuss the range of interventions which are commonly implemented for HIV/AIDS and the debate around priority-setting, in settings where the HIV epidemic is centralised.


Journal of International Development, 13: 451-466

Resource allocation and priority-setting of HIV/AIDS interventions: addressing the generalised epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Published 4 December 2006