Research Summary. Maternal nutrition, hygiene and health in Somalia

This programmme supports nutrition, hygiene and health seeking among young mothers, husbands and older women


BBC Media Action UNICEF-funded health programming in Somalia is supporting nutrition, hygiene and health seeking among young mothers, husbands and older women. Many young mothers did not understand that ‘immediate breastfeeding’ means within one hour of delivery. Although mothers were aware of the importance of exclusive breastfeeding, many young mothers did not carry out this practice as there was a misunderstanding that exclusive breastfeeding also means giving water and other milk. Despite young mothers saying they were aware that complementary feeding after six months is important, they did not know that they should be feeding infants nutrient-rich foods. When children were ill, young mothers were not giving their children more fluids or oral rehydration salts.


BBC Media Action. Research Summary. Maternal nutrition, hygiene and health in Somalia. BBC Media Action, UK (2012) 2 pp.

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Published 1 January 2012