Research Summary. Maternal and child health in Somalia: Tracking impact over time

The BBC Media Action’s UNICEF-funded project supports nutrition, hygiene and health seeking among young mothers


The BBC Media Action’s UNICEF-funded project in Somalia supports nutrition, hygiene and health seeking among young mothers, husbands and older women through the production of radio drama and discussion programmes. A longitudinal qualitative panel study with young mothers, husbands and older women in Somaliland has been established to track the impact of the intervention over time. Findings from the first round of the longitudinal study provide a detailed picture of the knowledge, beliefs and practices of young mothers regarding six key project indicators. By highlighting misconceptions and gaps in knowledge and efficacy, they will support the creation of a clear baseline for subsequent exploration of the programme’s content and impact.


BBC Media Action. Research Summary. Maternal and child health in Somalia: Tracking impact over time. BBC Media Action, UK (2013) 2 pp. [Radio programme]

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Published 1 January 2013