Research Summary 4, Budgets and Ballots in Brazil: Participatory Budgeting from the City to the State, IDS Working Paper no. 149.


This paper explores the process of scaling up arrangements for participatory budgeting (PB) from municipal to state level in Rio Grande do Sol (Brazil); and considers the impact of PB on institutions, politics and the distribution of resources for development. It suggests that PB has given previously marginalised groups access to decision-making fora; enhanced government accountability; and promoted redistribution to the poor while improving planning and budgetary efficiency. It attributes the success of scaling up to the fact that PB advances a political project that includes a popular vision of democracy and a redistributive vision of development, and has also attracted support from better off voters by promoting transparency and efficiency.

This is a two-page summary of a paper which can be accessed in full on this page.


Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies, 2 pp.

Research Summary 4, Budgets and Ballots in Brazil: Participatory Budgeting from the City to the State, IDS Working Paper no. 149.

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Published 1 January 2001