Reports on themed workshops.


This constitutes one of the Supporting Documents to the Final Technical Report. It reports on themed workshops held during the period from September 2004 to March 2005. The workshops were on:

Theme 1: Water storage and use for domestic purposes
Theme 2: Water for farming, including irrigation
Theme 3: Land management for improved water harvesting and retention
Theme 4: Institutional and organisational aspects of groundwater management.

Each workshop was held at three locations, generally the Rosario, Mutuca or Mimoso Seco and Xukurú communities. The workshop on Theme 1 had participation from health agents, while the Theme 2 workshop was believed to be to prescriptive and lacked community participation. Ideas for the Theme 3 workshop were exchanged amongst the team and generally accepted and applied to the remaining two workshops. Local participation through presentation by community members became a main focus. The change in workshop style contributed to an improved feeling amongst community members of being part of the Project and a genuine appreciation of being able to express ideas and opinions. The ideas for the modified workshop approach are presented in relation the Theme 3 workshop.


Cambridge, UK: Mott Macdonald, 41 pp.

Reports on themed workshops.

Published 1 January 2005