Report on Case Studies - Main Report.


Case studies have been undertaken in Chennai, India and Shoubak - Al Jafr in Jordan. This \"Case Study\" report presents the findings which have been discussed with stakeholders at a workshop in Chennai and at meetings in Amman in November 2004. Based on the studies, generic water demand management strategies will be developed and made suitable for dissemination to potential end-users of the research (Donor Agencies, Government agencies, NGOs and agencies involved in water management).

Building on the work of others, three categories of water demand management measures, technical, allocative and other socio-economic measures, have been examined together with associated supporting measures (or policy instruments). In addition, it has become clear that water demand management measures must be seen in a wider context which includes consideration of a country or region's macro-economic policy and future development, its strategic water security and its dependence on \"virtual water\".

From the Case Study fieldwork in India and Jordan, some common indicators of poverty in relation to water became apparent and the development of a methodology to assess vulnerability was found to be necessary. A methodology has been developed and applied to the case study areas which uses a number of key indicators to define the vulnerability of groups within the study areas.

After the introduction, the first part of this report is concerned with water demand management and livelihoods. Each case study is then presented, with details of water resources development, poverty and water use, and demand management. Annexes are then presented on:

Approach to the study
Water demand management
Sustainable livelihoods approach
Focus Group discussions - methodology and results
Water resources
Economic data
Institutions, legislation and regulation


Black & Veatch Consulting. Report on Case Studies - Main Report. (2005) 420 pp.

Report on Case Studies - Main Report.

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Published 1 January 2005