Reinforcing agro-dealer network to improve access and use of agriculture inputs by farmers in Niger

Seeks to determine whether strengthening agro-dealer networks increases farmer productivity


The Contribution à l’Education de Base (CEB), funded by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa aims to improve smallholder farmers’ access to and adoption of agricultural inputs in three regions of Niger (Maradi, Zinder and Tahoua) by building the capacity of agro-dealers and setting up demonstration plots.

This is an output from the Agricultural Innovation Thematic Window programme.


Osei, R, Osei-Akoto, I, Asante, FA, Adam, M, Fenny, A, Adu, P and Hodey, L, 2017, Reinforcing agro dealer networks in Niger: an impact evaluation study, 3ie Grantee Final Report. New Delhi: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)

Reinforcing agro-dealer network to improve access and use of agriculture inputs by farmers in Niger

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Published 28 July 2017